CPD Opportunities
Whatever your ambitions we have the perfect programme for you and your school.

Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Development 

Course Details:
Area: Secondary
Time Commitment: 6 days or equivalent
Aim: Introduce your school to a teaching for mastery approach in maths– Year 1 of the programme

Whether you want to take a teaching for mastery approach in your classroom and department or introduce mastery in both your school and beyond, we have a CPD opportunity for you. The LSE+ Maths Hub with the NCETM is offering funded professional development activities.

Who can take part?

Please note: this programme is for state-funded secondary schools in England.

There is also the opportunity for teachers who work in special schools to come together to join a regional cross-phase Development Work Group. Primary and secondary special school teachers will work together to develop teaching for mastery in their own contexts.

Mastery Advocates should be teachers with the commitment, experience and authority to lead developmental work across a maths department. The support of the Head of Maths, and the headteacher or a member of SLT, is also essential.

What is involved?

Secondary maths teachers whose schools want to introduce teaching for mastery can nominate two teachers (‘Mastery Advocates’) to join a Work Group. Mastery Advocates then form part of a locally-based group of teachers who meet regularly to develop professional knowledge and expertise and receive bespoke support. In a Teaching for Mastery Work Group, teachers collaborate with colleagues from local schools and get support and guidance from a Local Leader of Maths Education (LLME). Participants also take away ideas to help students become more confident mathematicians, ready to tackle GCSEs and A levels, and begin to introduce and embed teaching for mastery.

Take a look at this video to find out more:

What will you learn?

The fully-funded programme enables you and another teacher from your school to become ‘Mastery Advocates’. Initially, you will be part of a Work Group for a year. You will also get in-school support from a Mastery Specialist. Beyond the first year, you will continue to work with your local Maths Hub and take part in a Work Group as you embed mastery across your department.

Take a look at this video where teachers who have been involved tell us more about the benefits of mastery for them and their students:

What is the cost?

The Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

What is the time commitment?

This programme consists of the equivalent of 3 days working with your Work Group lead, plus termly school visits.

How do I sign up?

Click Register to secure your place.