CPD Opportunities
Whatever your ambitions we have the perfect programme for you and your school.

Secondary Maths Subject Leadership Development

Course Details:
Area: Secondary, Leadership
Time Commitment: 3 days or equivalent
Aim: Professional development for those leading maths in secondary schools

Who can take part?

The project is for secondary heads of department/subject leaders and is open to heads of department in schools already involved with Maths Hubs and to those who are not yet involved.

What is involved?

This project provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of teaching approaches, their wider roles, and their capacity with their colleagues to transform secondary maths learning. They will work collaboratively with other subject leaders, discuss developments, engage with research, and use this experience to inform their work in leading and developing maths education in school.

What will you learn?

  • You will promote and develop a shared vision, culture and set of principles for teaching and learning in maths
  • You will ensure coherence in the curriculum and provide support for teaching for mastery across the department
  • You and your department will establish collaborative ways of working to support ongoing developments
  • You will develop your ability to lead change

What is the cost?

The Secondary Maths Subject Leaders Community project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

What is the time commitment?

Participants and their schools are expected to commit to the equivalent of 3 days of work including Maths Hub meetings and workshops, school-based tasks, and online community engagement.

How do I sign up?

Click Register to secure your place.