CPD Opportunities
Whatever your ambitions we have the perfect programme for you and your school.

Primary Teaching for Mastery – Sustaining

Course Details:
Area: Primary
Time Commitment: 3 days or equivalent
Aim: Supporting schools to continue teaching for mastery – phase 3 of the programme

Who can take part?

Schools will have previously participated in a Development Work Group and might have received support for embedding mastery. Participating schools must show strong commitment from their leadership for sustaining mastery approaches, and for most teachers to have already started using these.

Each school will have a lead participant in the Work Group, normally the maths lead. At different points in the year, other teachers will also participate.

What is involved?

Sustaining Work Groups are a permanent form of support where schools can focus on continued improvement, consistency and refinement of teaching for mastery. Teachers, maths leads and headteachers are all involved, striving to support teachers, and looking at collaborative planning and subject knowledge development. Workshops are hosted in different schools during the year, with the first held in a Mastery Specialist’s school.

What will you learn?

Your school will have the choice to join a Work Group focussed on a particular topic – we suggest that this topic aligns with the maths focus of your school. The choices to choose from are:

  • Improving mathematical talk: – Develop pupils’ skills in making their thinking visible and enable teachers to use pupil talk to drive learning.  
  • Coherence in curriculum and lesson design – Working together to develop understanding and effective use of small steps in long, medium and short-term planning (including a focus on variation and using the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation materials).
  • Mathematical Thinking for all – Deepening understanding of what constitutes mathematical thinking, its relationship to problem-solving and reasoning and how it can be integrated throughout all teaching.
  • Re-Developing – Re-introducing the Five Big Ideas and the ‘Essence of Teaching for Mastery’.  This Work Group is most suitable for schools returning to the Maths Hub after an absence of a year or more or schools who feel that they are starting almost ‘from scratch’ with Teaching for Mastery (perhaps due to a change in leadership or high numbers of new staff)
  • Digital Technology for Maths – Exploring effective use of digital technology both in and out of the classroom to support teaching for mastery. Ideal participants are those in schools with access to devices for students to use in the classroom.
  • Fluency across the school – Ensuring that core number facts and related skills are taught, embedded and built on from Reception through to Year 6.  This Work Group is aimed at schools who have previously engaged with the Mastering Number programme but have (for whatever reason) experienced challenges in using it with fidelity. 

By fully engaging with this programme:

  • You and your school will enhance your mathematical subject knowledge, emphasising key areas of maths
  • You and your school will plan, teach and reflect on lessons with a mastery approach
  • You and your school will understand the school-wide structures which enable staff to develop mastery approaches
  • You and your school leaders will establish a set of principles, policies, practices and systems which embody a teaching for mastery approach

What is the cost?

The Primary Teaching for Mastery Sustaining project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

What is the time commitment?

This programme consists of 6 half-day workshops (half-termly).

How do I sign up?

Click Register to secure your place